Nestled in a flat valley hemmed in by craggy mountains, Tucson is a fun-loving city with a rich Hispanic heritage. Visitors might want to spend much of their time here outdoors, soaking up the Southwest sun. Explore Sabino Canyon’s many hiking trails or challenge yourself on one of Tucson’s most popular hikes: the Finger Rock Trail. This is a 4.5-mile hike with some steep sections, but the hard work pays off when you reach the craggy peak at the top with a great view of the canyons below. When you’ve worked up a monster appetite, stop in at one of Tucson’s incredible Mexican restaurants for a spicy and authentic meal of salsa, enchiladas, and maybe even an ice-cold Tecate to quench your thirst.

Unique to Tucson is the Biosphere 2, which houses different ecosystems from various parts of the world. Also be sure to see the Mission San Xavier del Bac, one of the finest examples of Spanish Colonial architecture in the U.S. This sprawling mission is actually still run by Franciscans and serves the Native community by which it was built.

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7 – tyle osób korzystało w tym tygodniu z Hangouts

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Jamil chciał(a) explore the area około 10 godzin temu
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Ashwin chciał(a) hangout około 20 godzin temu
Zdjęcie K
Katie chciał(a) explore the area 6 dni temu


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