Situated at the confluence of the Rhône and Saône Rivers and only a short distance from the French Alps, Lyon is France’s third largest city. Here, you’ll find bits of history ranging from Ancient Rome to the 16th century, alongside some fantastic clubs, bars, and bouchons (traditional Lyonnaise restaurants). Be sure to stop in a bouchon for some Lyonnaise sausages, typically served with a selection of cheeses.

Begin your tour in Vieux Lyon, one of the oldest parts of town featuring gothic and renaissance architecture along cobbled streets. Make your way to the Roman Theater and the Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière, a striking basilica that is perhaps even more beautiful on the inside than it is on the outside, and that’s no easy feat. Lyon doesn’t have very many public parks within its reach, but the Parc de la Tête d'Or in the 6th arrondissement makes up for any lack of greenery within the city. This gorgeous park has a lake, a zoo, sports facilities, a train, and a stunning garden.

Reisende auf dem Weg hierhin


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Dylan möchte boire un verre faire connaissance Vor etwa eine Stunde
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Dinara möchte исследовать местность Vor etwa 3 Stunden


  • Fr, Mär 21 um 9:00 VORMITTAGS CET
  • Fotos von Melody Teyssier Fotos von Franco Fotos von Sara Bell

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