Buenos Aires is a lively metropolis that looks a lot like a European city, but definitely feels Latin American. The best place to get a feel for the vibrant spirit of Buenos Aires is in the neighborhood known as La Boca, painted with bright colors and full of artwork, live music, and dancing. This is the perfect neighborhood to stop for a drink and take a quick tango lesson to feel more like a local. Stop in to see the Libreria El Ateneo Grand Splendid, a unique library that was originally a theater that could accommodate over 1,000 spectators.

Check out La Recoleta Cemetery, a city of mausoleums featuring elegant architecture, and see tombs of some of Argentina’s most famous citizens, including beloved Eva Peron. Escape the city (and the country) by grabbing your camera and taking the ferry across the river into Uruguay. The historic, picturesque town of Colonia del Sacramento lies just across the river, waiting to be explored by adventurous travelers.


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Matias хочет Tango y Cumbia 29 минут назад


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