Packed with colorful architecture and skirted by the mountains of the Venezuelan coast, Caracas is an exciting city that offers travelers much more than its reputation would suggest. The best way to begin a trip to Caracas is by taking the cable car to the top of Mt. Avila for a breathtaking view of the city and the sparkling Caribbean Sea beyond. Then head for the heart of the city at Plaza Bolivar, home to the Catedral, Palacio de Goberno, and Palacio Municipal, all centered around the magnificent Simon Bolivar statue.
Visit Parque Los Chorros for a relaxing stroll through a rainforest with awesome waterfalls. For an even bigger adventure away from the city, make your way to the small town of Galipan on the northern slope of Mt. Avila. This charming town is famous for its exotic flower crops and its delicious restaurants with spectacular views of the Caribbean Sea.
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