Hamburg has been a center for international trade for centuries, giving it the title “the gateway to the world.” To this day, it is one of Germany’s wealthiest cities, affording it the luxuries of world-class restaurants, vibrant nightlife, and beautiful architecture. Visitors to Hamburg will want to see the St. Pauli Piers down at the harbor, the center for maritime trade in the city. Another iconic part of Hamburg is the Speicherstadt, the largest warehouse district in the world where the buildings stand on oak log foundations and the walls plunge straight down into the water.

Hamburg is renowned for its uber-liberal nightlife, and the best place to experience it is on the Reeperbahn in the St. Pauli district. Reeperbahn is Hamburg’s red-light district, lined with live music venues, restaurants, bars, strip clubs, brothels, and clubs pumping electronic music all night long. After a wild night on the Reeperbahn and a few delicious German beers, track down a Fischbrötchen, a signature Hamburg sandwich made with fresh fish, onions, pickles, and remoulade.


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