Manchester, in northwest England, is a city in progress. A major redevelopment of the northern parts of the country means that new buildings are sprouting up and tram lines are being laid to accommodate the city’s projected growth. But for all the new developments taking place, Manchester will never discard its rich history. Visitors to this great city will instantly be struck by the Gothic architecture of historical museums and university buildings, including Manchester Town Hall in Albert Square. Make your way to the John Rylands Library to be blown away by what can only be described as a shrine to literature with its massive windows, soaring ceilings, and brilliant archways.

Get a different perspective on the city with an underground tour of the many winding tunnels that run underneath, used during World War II to protect the locals from the German Blitz bombings. Manchester has always been a music town, producing acts like Oasis, The Smiths, and Joy Division, so be sure to catch a show in one of the many bars or live music clubs dotting the city.

Reisende auf dem Weg hierhin


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