Shenzhen is China’s youngest city. One look at Shenzhen’s gleaming skyline will tell you all you need to know about the level of industry and international business taking place here. The city is home to an excellent restaurant scene, with cuisine from around the world on the menu, and the clubs and indie music venues here create a fun nightlife as well.

Visit the Splendid China Folk Village to see recreations of cultural and historical sights like the Great Wall, the Temple of Heaven, and the Forbidden City, and even catch one of the festive shows which depict important events in Chinese history. Or make your way to the amazing Window of the World, a theme park which is home to 130 recreations of the world’s most famous attractions including the Eiffel Tower, the Taj Mahal, and the Pyramids of Giza. When the day is done, take a relaxing sunset stroll down Xichong beach for some fresh air and a great view of the bay.

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Gill desidera explore the area circa 2 ore fa
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雪梅 desidera explore the area circa un'ora fa
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Ahmed desidera explore the area 42 minuti fa


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