Nestled in the Ural Mountains of Russia, Yekaterinburg is a bustling city that has grown into a great place for visitors from around the world. Recent economic growth has led to a diverse culinary scene, buzzing nightlife, and a strong tourism industry. Visitors can begin a trip to Yekaterinburg by riding to the top level of the Visotsky Business Center for the best view in the city.

A visit to the Church of All Saints, where the last Emperor of Russia and his family were executed by the Bolsheviks during the Russian Civil War, serves as a harrowing history lesson. Some of the most interesting things to see here actually lie outside of the city itself. Take a ride 17km west of Yekaterinburg to the border of Europe and Asia for a rare chance to stand on two continents at once. And all around the city, mysterious and ancient sites like Chertovo Gorodishche and Verkhnyaya Pyshma give visitors a glimpse into the past, with some sites considered to be older than the pyramids of Egypt.

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  • Пн, нояб. 11 в 7:00 ВЕЧЕРА +05
  • Фотографии пользователя Mehmet çatak


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