Full of domed cathedrals and cobbled streets, Lisbon is Portugal’s capital and most visited city. During the day, life moves at an easy pace. At night, the city comes alive with partygoers strolling the streets, drinks in hand (there is no open-container law here). Visitors can head to the beach in Carcavelos, a favorite spot of locals and tourists alike, where the surfing is excellent and the weather is almost always beautiful.

There are some great sights to see in the city center of Lisbon, like the iconic São Jorge Castle, perched on a hilltop overlooking the city like a sentinel. Head down to Praça do Comércio to see the yellow facades of the surrounding buildings and the statue of King Jose I, with a view out over the sea. From there, wander down the streets of the Pombaline Lower Town to browse the shops and cafés that are so popular with visitors. Wrap up your journey with a visit to Belém Tower, a 16th-century fortified tower perched on the coast, and a symbol of Lisbon itself.

Visitantes Programados


37 membros disponíveis para encontrar agora

Foto de J
Jonathan quer take photos of you aproximadamente 1 hora atrás
Foto de F
Fatih quer explore the area 25 minutos atrás
Foto de A
Arslan quer drink tea or coffee 37 minutos atrás


  • sáb, ago 3 em 5:00 PM WEST
  • Fotos de Bartosz Bednarkiewicz Fotos de Abdul Salim


  • A cada quinta-feira em 6:30 PM WEST
  • Fotos de Beppe


  • A cada quinta-feira em 6:30 PM WEST
  • Fotos de Beppe Fotos de Amardeep Jaiswal


  • dom, jun 30 em 4:30 PM WEST
  • Fotos de Vijay Willie Fotos de José Mato


  • A cada sábado em 12:30 PM WEST
  • Fotos de Sasha Ivone Salomon Rolon Fotos de Hussain Ramadan Fotos de Dennis Kurium

    + 4 participando


  • qui, jun 27 em 10:00 PM WEST
  • Fotos de Nicolás Mariano Koremblum


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