Boasting a history spanning a thousand years, Nuremberg is one of Germany’s most historically interesting cities. Throughout that history, the city has been chosen to serve as an unofficial capital of the Holy Roman Empire, the preferred residence of many German kings, and even as an important rallying point for Hitler and his Nazis. After World War II, Nuremberg hosted the famous “Nuremberg Trials,” where Nazi leaders were made to answer for their crimes.

The most significant thing to see in Nuremberg is the Castle, a huge medieval fortification on a sandstone rock overlooking the city center. Another great piece of Nuremberg history is the Holy Spirit Hospital, built in the 14th century as the largest private institution that belonged to the Holy Roman Empire. When you’ve seen the wonderful medieval sights of Nuremberg, be sure to head to Zum Guldenen Stern, the oldest bratwurst restaurant in the world, to get a taste of the Middle Ages.

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Dominik desidera hangout circa un'ora fa
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Johannes desidera bachata/salsa dancing on Friday evening! circa un'ora fa
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Mina desidera HAKUNA MATATA 15 minuti fa


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