Nestled on the Douro River, Porto is a city that seems to have forgotten about the worries of the world. Start with a walk along the Ribeira, the historic waterfront district where you can experience Porto’s past and present all at once. This is a great place to set out on a Douro River cruise if the mood strikes you. Be sure to visit Clerigos Tower, the most prominent point on Porto’s skyline, where a vigorous climb will reward you with a fantastic view over the red roofs and cobbled streets of the city.

Make your way to Livraria Lello, the world’s most beautiful bookshop, where J.K. Rowling drew inspiration for her writing while she lived in Porto. Finally, no trip to Porto would be complete without sampling some of the city’s signature drink, port. There are port cellars all over the city that offer free tastings, so take the opportunity to get a true taste of Porto before you leave.

Hôtes de la région


11 membres disponibles pour une rencontre immédiate

Photo de S
Sam souhaite découvrir la région Il y a moins d'une minute
Photo de A
Antonio souhaite explore the area Il y a environ 3 heures
Photo de M
Marco souhaite explore the area Il y a 5 minutes


  • mar, mars 4 à 12 h 01 PM WET
  • Photos de Mayra Oliveira Photos de Tony  Oliveira Photos de Inara Kurmangaliyeva

    + 3 participant(s)


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