Sacramento is a city where government officials rub elbows with down-to-earth farmers. Get a feel for the history of the city in Old Sacramento, a tourist district with museums and restaurants lining cobblestone streets that looks much the same as it did a hundred years ago. For a more modern take on “Sactown,” make your way to Midtown. This is the hippest and fastest-growing part of the city, home to more than 600 bars, boutiques, and music venues. The locals love Second Saturday, when the art galleries open their doors for free and the streets host musicians and street vendors.

Art lovers will enjoy a trip to the Crocker Art Museum, where visitors can see more than 15,000 pieces of art from all over the world, including a large collection of Californian works. History enthusiasts will love the experience of Sutter’s Fort, a fortified farm from the 1840’s that was a popular place for immigrants to work when first arriving in California. The fort’s biggest claim to fame is the fact that this is where James Marshall found the first recorded gold nugget that sparked the infamous California Gold Rush.

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  • Mo, Jul 8 um 5:52 VORMITTAGS PDT
  • Fotos von Valentin Nerding Fotos von Debra Schmidt


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