With a proud heritage and a love for the craic (gossip or conversation), Dublin is the perfect city to take in some important pieces of history and party with the always-friendly locals. Start by visiting 16th-century Trinity College and its Old Library, home to the famous Book of Kells, an illustrated version of the gospels made by Celtic monks around 800 AD. Make your way to the General Post Office to see where Irish rebels made their infamous stand against the British in the fight for independence. Then go to Dublin Castle, the city’s most important government complex, to see where Ireland was finally granted its freedom in 1921.

Dublin is notorious for its nightlife, due in large part to the friendly, welcoming people to be found here. Sign up for a pub crawl, like the Traditional Irish Music Pub Crawl or the Dublin Literary Pub Crawl, where you’ll see actors performing excerpts from major works of Irish literature. Also visit the Guinness storehouse and the Jameson distillery to see how two of Dublin’s most beloved exports are created.


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Lester хочет explore the area 3 минуты назад
Фото: P
Philip хочет hang out около 2 часов назад
Фото: V
Vladimir хочет drink tea or coffee меньше 1 минуты назад


  • Сб, июля 6 в 10:00 ВЕЧЕРА IST
  • Фотографии пользователя Alexey Фотографии пользователя ARTURO VAZQUEZ Фотографии пользователя Игорь Luch

    + Участников: 13


  • Сб, июля 6 в 8:30 ВЕЧЕРА IST
  • Фотографии пользователя Sanja Liebermann Фотографии пользователя Katie Фотографии пользователя Ivan Khomyakov

    + Участников: 4


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