Groningen is a growing city with a youthful vibe, and much like Amsterdam, is home to a staggering amount of bicycles. The vast network of bike paths and restricted auto movement in parts of the city make this the perfect place to tour on two wheels. Visitors can rent a bike and make for the Martini Tower, a soaring Gothic bell tower that offers an unbeatable view of the city from the top. Nearby, snap some photos of the elegant facade of the Goudkantoor, then pedal to the Prinsenhof Gardens, a spectacular renaissance garden full of straight hedges and vibrant roses.

Not to be missed in Groningen is the Groninger Museum, with a wide range of modern and contemporary art on display. Even the radically modern exterior of the museum itself looks like a whimsical work of art. For an adventure outside of the city, make the hour-long drive to the village of Bourtange to see the star-shaped fort surrounded by a moat, now an open-air museum beautiful surroundings.

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