Nicknamed The Athens of the North, Edinburgh is Scotland’s center of culture, history, art, and literature. With a history that spans centuries and reaches all the way back to the time of the Celts, Edinburgh is home to architecture and sights unlike any you’ll see elsewhere in Scotland. Visitors might begin their exploration of Edinburgh with a trip to Edinburgh Castle, the imposing castle perched on a high hill overlooking the city. Climb Calton Hill to see the monuments that earned Edinburgh its Athenian nickname, and get a fantastic panoramic view of the city.
Both Edinburgh’s Old Town and New Town districts are registered UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and it’s easy to see why. Stroll the streets here to get a taste of Scottish food, mingle with the locals, and sample a genuine Scotch whisky. To walk off a heavy Scottish meal, take a short hike up to Arthur’s Seat, the verdant hill in Holyrood Park that some say got its name from the King Arthur legends as the actual site of Camelot. Here, you’ll get great views of the city and close access to the wonderful Holyrood Palace.
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